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Story was good but I don't like Kaede he was easy to feel anxious, don't have a self confi...

mirror mirror on the wall who is the most perfect yaoi couple in the world July 21, 2014 4:40 am

Story was good but I don't like Kaede he was easy to feel anxious, don't have a self confidence and less creative to his own flower. Kaede want to be like his brother Momiji but Kaede forgot every person have a different style can't be same, if Kaede still insist want to imitate Momiji then Kaede is not different than a clown, a copycat. I don't like Hikawa too he want to open Kaede heart and make love to him, fine but Hikawa not motivate Kaede self confidence. Hikawa just act he was find a new toy and he must explore it (bastard) and I think Hikawa is not serious with Kaede ( what kind of love Hikawa give to Kaede if he always leave him). I don't like Kaede father he always care about his Akizuki school not care about Kaede, why Kaede father not place himself as a friend for a few minute to understand about Kaede problem even he will surprise about Kaede explanation he must give advice, enthusiasm and motivate to him. There is no explanation about Eva, she just say she was top model and old friend of Hikawa but what his relationship with Hikawa close friend, lover or wife ? I thought after the second exhibition Kaede can make a progress even a little and can control his feeling but I was wrong he still like that and he can't impress me.
