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I really like this :D

Mizuki June 5, 2020 2:26 pm

Right? I love the writing of this manga, and the art is good as well! Of course it is not perfect (I mean, what is?), but it is so much more common to find beautiful art than a good, realistic story with well-written characters!
I read someone comment that this felt too adult for them, they wanted to be petty and call the characters dirty names, but it didn't feel write because their discussions sounded too mature for it and I cracked laughing, heheheh.
But for me it is refreshing to see the characters communicating. And for a change the jealous, possessive and forceful jerk is not the love interest, but the rival! (And we can understand him more than I will ever understand other rapist characters that are painted like pitiful, one-sided love victims!) I really don't think he is a good person, his so called love for Ed only made him a slave of debts and abused or aggravated his feelings of intense loneliness. But the character makes sense.
I don't think McQueen is the only one to blame, he didn't force Ed to do anything, he didn't even insist that much. I wish Ed would take responsibility as well. I do agree with many of his accusations, but I think their relationship would feel more balanced if they'd talked about this as well.
And though I understand and agree with people who feel they came out of this damaged and this new relationship feels too cautious, I also think they can build something now that will be much more sincere, real and durable.
