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Honestly no lie.. this was pretty good lol Issei is like super possessive of Ryuoichi lmao...

Ayumi13 June 5, 2020 9:34 pm

Honestly no lie.. this was pretty good lol
Issei is like super possessive of Ryuoichi lmao and like wants to control everything he does.. bruh like belittling him all the time..
Honestly it’s obvious Ryouichi is capable by himself and can do well without issei, but because of his want to be close to him, he just lets it be.
And issei acts does all these things to him as if to push him down and push him away, but then brings him right back cuz he doesn’t want ryouichi to stray away (even tho it’s obvi he won’t stray away)
And honestly the uke (tired of writing names) has a scary smile but I think it’s cute in a way, it’s unique and doesn’t smile typically like other people, it’s his cute points, and I want him to smile more

Lol and when seme was like, uke is a defective version of him, I think the seme is the “defective version” cuz he’s somewhat obsessed and possessive over uke, yes the uke follows seme but I think it naturally became a want than being forced even if it might have been forced at the beginning. The seme just seemed so intent on controlling him.
I found it funny that seme player with dolls and tea sets and uke played with action figures, thought it would be opposite
But I enjoyed this a lot

    azne June 7, 2020 8:06 pm

    totally agree with you. It's an open ening but i know they going to do fine.

    mel May 18, 2024 1:56 am

    i agree. that's how i felt about this story too.

    Ayumi13 May 18, 2024 3:09 am
    i agree. that's how i felt about this story too. mel

    Waohh been so long since I read this

    mel May 18, 2024 3:22 am
    Waohh been so long since I read this Ayumi13

    haha here's a reminder i guess