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Dear author...

Sakura_Melody June 8, 2020 6:38 pm

Dear author,
Thank you for your hard work on successfully finishing this manga. I've been following this manga and I have read it from the beginning until the end. I won't impose my opinion on you since I'm sure you have read the comments from your readers and I'm sure you have long been pondering about the ending before you make the decision. This is the ending that you have decided although I'll be honest that I'm not satisfied with the ending as well.... So, could you please, please, PLEASEEEE.... Make an extra story/doujinshi about natsuoxrui happy ending. Something like "Domestic na kanojo~Another" or something.... Please... ( T﹏T )

    Jodes711 June 8, 2020 6:52 pm

    No way dont ask for that, do you actually want him to be with Rui after this, it wont make you happy, Rui deserves so much better. I just hope they show Rui with someone.

    mika June 8, 2020 7:02 pm
    No way dont ask for that, do you actually want him to be with Rui after this, it wont make you happy, Rui deserves so much better. I just hope they show Rui with someone. Jodes711


    Sakura_Melody June 9, 2020 10:21 am

    I change my opinion....( ̄∇ ̄") since this is before I read chapter 277... After read it.....
    I don't care anymore....