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Hmm...although Shinobu insists that he loves Yashiro "out of his own free will", it's appa...

Chiaki July 24, 2014 5:35 pm

Hmm...although Shinobu insists that he loves Yashiro "out of his own free will", it's apparent that that's not the case. The very nature of Meikon dictates that although the doll has its own personality, it MUST love its owner and no one else. Yashiro knows this, but can't help indulging in the delusion anyway. There's one question that wasn't answered, though. If Yashiro rejected the Meikon, would Shinobu still be his sacrificial doll? Would Shinobu still have to die in his place? If that wasn't the case, then I, in Yashiro's place, would eventually let Shinobu go. I think it would be selfish and cruel to cling to someone from you've stolen everything from and consequently, has every right to hate you.

    KyoZaNa August 6, 2014 5:02 pm

    Yeah, you raise a good point and I also agree. But.. but..
    On ch4 page16-19, it implies that if Yashiro rejects the contract, Shinobu's soul will just disappear. But Takeru doesn't care because what he really wants is Shinobu's body, the prototype Meikon Doll.

    Yashiro also think like us, so later he blood-swears to love Shinobu even after they die and will always be together no matter in hell or heaven. (T_T)