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Why does this remind of BakuDeku

MelinaPrincesss1603 June 8, 2020 11:16 pm

The seme is like an adult version of Katsuki Bakugo from Boku no Hero Academia and the uke is like Izuku Midoriya!

I dunno I kinda like the ship but it's not like I like how the Top treats the bottom.

I mean if they both are okay with that fine but it makes me uncomfortable that they always wanna fuck like it's just a few weeks they were in a relationship and the top was pushing h to have sex. Come on!!
Be at least gentle its his first time.

I dunno.. I mean yeah it's just fiction but still.. It's supposed to be a love story right? And the uke was really scared at first so the least thing he could do was wait a little more so he could get used to it- prepare himself for the sex he is going to have.

But it's common for yaoi to have sex the moment they start to date. Like wtf. Yes they are men but are men really that sex driven that they would fuck everything any time? Have they really no common sense...? No..?

I mean yeah I like yaois but I would really love to read a yaoi where they kinda take it slow OR AT LEAST BE GENTLE AND DON'T RAPE THEir PARTNERS!
KBSJSKAW okay I know I will probably get trashed for this comment!!
