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Long long time ago incest is not an issue becoz eve and adan have to produce children as m...

bunny July 25, 2014 8:47 pm

Long long time ago incest is not an issue becoz eve and adan have to produce children as many as they can so naturally we are all brothers wnd sister hahaha im crazy

    Really July 25, 2014 10:22 pm

    You know, I thought about that too.

    I don't know too much about religion so I was really concerned on the fact that Adam and Eve were the first two humans on Earth. So if they had children, wouldn't their children have to marry each other to get more children?? Adam and Eve had two sons, right? Their sons got married to women, but where did the women come from?

    morcheeba July 25, 2014 11:55 pm

    Just imagine you'd attend advanced math class, ditch for a week and borrow someone elses' notes. Then you decide to actually copy these notes roughly 50 years later.
    You'd forget dinosaurs, or where women apart from Eve emerged from, too.
    Apart from my unwillingness to take the bible literally I can always respect the aspects of gathered wisdom which are found here, there and in between. I pretty much don't care for any "do's" and "don'ts" since I'll regard them as suggestions anyway - some of those simply lost their reason over time.
    "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbour's" surprisingly remained effective (but it seems as though everbody decided to ignore the obvious purpose to evade the issue, so everyone could still pilfer, murder and lie, provided they had god on their side).

    + . + July 26, 2014 1:43 am

    well, hopefully, not o many people believe n adam and eve :)

    i respect religion but every scientific proof tells that they couldn't have existed...

    huh? July 26, 2014 12:25 pm

    @+ . + , science cannot not prove Adam and Eve weren't real. It's funny how science try to prove the bible wrong which they can't. If "science" wants to find answers then it is all written in the bible.
    People are already turning to the bible for answers about natural disasters, everything is written in the bible even about the sun heating more than it should be.
    Sign's are everywhere that is stated in the bible but science is too stupid to realise that.

    WTF July 27, 2014 1:04 am

    @huh?: have you ever read a bible before. Can you provide some text evidence.

    adderall July 27, 2014 1:51 am

    this topic reminds me of an intensive philosophical debate on religion that i had to attend for university. as a curious onlooker, i am also interested to read which part in the bible states this.

    ps, the only proof they have are hominin fossils and other hypotheses that support it.

    huh? July 28, 2014 4:09 pm

    @wtf, I have read the bible hence me know these information which I can guess you didn't. Whether you believe me or not is your choice, the evidence is all written in the bible you can search for it yourself. I don't need to prove anything to you for you to believe my words, it's already been preached by others and people tend ignore. Google it if you have too .. hint Joseph prince.

    MOI? July 28, 2014 4:40 pm

    @huh?, the bible is simply an amalgamation of other pagan religions that existed before humans could even write/read. and if you think about it, it's thanks to Christianity that we're 1000 years behind when at the start of the Dark Ages they discarded all the knowledge that the Romans had gathered. religions only instigate asceticism -which axiomatically denies your existence as a human being. i don't see any positive outcomes out of them, we've got big enough brains to come up with laws that can keep an orderly society going (i mean, HUMANS were the came up with said commandments)... and if the bible is not to be taken literally, why write it full of ambiguous inanities?

    MOI? July 28, 2014 5:03 pm

    if you want to Google something might as well check this

    huh? July 29, 2014 1:23 pm

    @MOI, wow? umm ... okay, that's your opinion and I respect that. What I said is the truth, I may said wrongly but it's the truth. Lots of people has proven it and gave text evidence that most people clearly want but too stupid to understand. The bible isn't just an ordinary book, yes it's old which is a stupid excuse. The truth is the truth but it's sad how people have to find out in a way where they can't turn back. Your Dark ages or roman comment doesn't matter when it's referred to the bible, it's impossible to read the bible as a novel and all scienctist try the crack it's "code" or "mystery"which isn't a mystery since the answer are in the bible. If people read it has a book which most will then they will never understand it's truth. Find out the hard way if you or others must.

    MOI? July 29, 2014 6:21 pm

    @huh? -OK but what truth are you talking about? since you're talking about it, you must know what it is (?)

    huh? July 30, 2014 3:58 pm

    @Moi, don't worry, in due time it'll be releaved.

    MOI? July 30, 2014 4:55 pm

    @huh? LOL isn't your job, like say, try to save as many people as possible from damnation? how selfish!!

    huh? August 1, 2014 10:06 am

    @MOI, we are, the word of god being preached for over 2000 years and no one listens. We don't force people to believe in the word or god nor force them to follow his word.
    If you find this a joke? then go ahead laugh like everyone else but I will say I told you so.

    Anonymous August 1, 2014 10:14 am

    @MOI, if you want proof shown which it already has then just wait till Judgement day. If you want to the truth of the word of god then research Joseph Prince.

    Lilly_pup August 1, 2014 11:00 am

    Oh my much anguish however there is one point that science has never proven. The point of absolute creation. If everyone is made of little tiny particles and evolves from them like science has stated then how did the very first particle come to exist? The very first particle which has initiated this long chain of existence we call the universe? It couldn't have just existed, it had to come from somewhere and if not god then who? That's my opinion however everyone holds their own opinions and it's better to respect them. Science has in some ways given great proof and so has the bible and I know it will always be a topic in which people will argue over and continue to comprehend however it is not necessary to bring aggressive comments towards each other over it, let's just all get along and go our seperate ways. BTW I am both a science and bible believer, I feel that they go hand in hand no matter how contradicting they are

    MOI? August 4, 2014 5:23 am

    'Just existed'. What? You need a reason to justify your existence by the invention of a higher being in which you find the purpose of your time on earth? Or is it JUST in case there is an afterlife and you want all your chips in the winning team? At least science -and 'curious' minds'- try to find answers to the unknown instead of grabbing on for dear life to fairytales that future generations will use as bed time stories for bored minds

    MOI? August 4, 2014 5:31 am

    Just in case you didn't know, we literally come from starts LOL!! Doesn't make any sense? Get your nose out of an archaic book that-has-outlived-its-usefulness and start looking for real, consistent and factual answers. The bible is the creation of capitalist Jews (gotta hate 'em, Jews -er joking), greedy clergymen who needed you to need them in every aspect of your life, and a Jesus without a religion, but whose IDEA was taken advantage and used in the exact opposite of what he taught...

    Lala November 29, 2014 12:14 pm
    Just in case you didn't know, we literally come from starts LOL!! Doesn't make any sense? Get your nose out of an archaic book that-has-outlived-its-usefulness and start looking for real, consistent and factual... @MOI?

    Ok why are people talking about the bible after they just got finish reading about gay porn :/