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I'm gonna be honest. I really didn't like it. I'm sorry but it made me sad when Shirohai g...

Shao Jun July 27, 2014 12:06 am

I'm gonna be honest. I really didn't like it. I'm sorry but it made me sad when Shirohai got a sex change just because the guy he had a crush on didn't date guys. I mean he looks good as a woman, but he looked better as a man. Cuter, too. And that really pissed me off when the guy he had a crush on said "Well he had a sex change for me so I felt like I should take responsibility and go out with him/her." .....That's like marrying a woman just because you got her pregnant. THERE'S NO LOVE! I mean, SURE, the guy was able to fall in love with Shirohai later on BUT AS A WOMAN. NOT A MAN. That's bullshit.
And I'm glad that they're a happy couple now. Really, I am :) But it just doesn't feel right to me... ;-; And I know that there are some transgender's out there who get a sex change but most of the time, it's so that they can be happy and comfortable in a body that suits them best. That wasn't like that here. Shirohai got a sex change because a guy he confessed to said that he doesn't date guys. That's it.

You shouldn't have to change ANYTHING about yourself just for one person. As long as they love you for WHO and WHAT you are initially, that should be all that matters.

Now...I'm gonna go read some fluffy yaoi to go mend my broken heart...

    Arizel the awesomess October 25, 2014 2:42 pm

    I know right and what happens if they break up and he/her wants to date a girl so what is he/her just going to have another sex change!!!! And what's wrong with being gay in a guy form hmmm b/c it wouldn't have made a fuck'in difference he should have stayed has a guy and find a guy who likes him for him!!!! It doesn't make sense and what about the girl she came up with this plan and the dude she likes a fuck'in girl for crying out loud!!!!