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random question

onk52 June 11, 2020 6:50 pm
what did he mean by this is he talking about how his name 'changed', whats that got to do with if he loved him or not??

    amazon trash June 12, 2020 2:08 pm

    No, no. Masamune is talking about how coldly Ritsu treats him now. Compare the past Ritsu to the present Ritsu, big difference right? Back the Ritsu used to be all sweet, he could openly say that he loves Masamune, didn't try to refuse him when they were about to get intimate etc. But now it's the complete opposite, Ritsu is stubborn, although he loves Masamune very, very much, though he doesn't admit it because of the trauma he faced in the past. He doesn't want to get hurt again, He was able to recover then, but if he goes through something similar again, will he be able to handle it? Sorry if I said too much, it's just that I feel that Nakamura Shungiku does so well when it comes to making the reader understand and feel when a person loves the other a lot. And the case of Onodera Ritsu particularly has this strong sense of love in it, I just feel Ritsu and Masamune love eachother alot ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭.

    A lil fact ig, just more rambling and fangirling shit tbh:
    So if you notice in the second chapter, Ritsu's heart skips a beat when Masamune offers him a drink. At the time, Ritsu didn't know that Masamune was his ex, and questioned his own himself as to why is his heart beating for another guy? Anyway, basically what i'm trying to say here is that the two would've fallen in love with each other regardless of knowing the fact that they were lovers in highschool! ヾ(☆▽☆)

    onk52 June 12, 2020 3:07 pm
    No, no. Masamune is talking about how coldly Ritsu treats him now. Compare the past Ritsu to the present Ritsu, big difference right? Back the Ritsu used to be all sweet, he could openly say that he loves Masam... amazon trash

    yes i love their relationship so much! im happy the writer conveys that ritsu loves takano for his present self and would have fallen for him regardless! that scene u mentioned really makes me think what would have happened if they didnt find out who they were lol. and yes i understand he is different to how he was back then because he doesnt want to be rejected but wouldnt that make takano think he didnt love him now rather than back then? when he mentioned his resume i just got confused because it sounded like he was implying it was to do with his resume that he thought he might not have loved him then, i guess on ur resume he can see his name was onodera ritsu for 10 years so he was probably thinking he didnt love him because he didnt tell him 10 years ago about his parents 'divorce' tho obviously now he knows he was always onodera ritsu haha not oda. but yes i agree i really appreciate how nakamura writes it so well, i hope she does a good job of resolving the current issues because i just love their relationship so much and it feels like takano is doubting ritsus love for him again which makes me sad Σ(っ°Д °;)っ anyways sorry for rambling too lol, i hope what i said makes sense haha

    amazon trash June 12, 2020 8:54 pm
    yes i love their relationship so much! im happy the writer conveys that ritsu loves takano for his present self and would have fallen for him regardless! that scene u mentioned really makes me think what would ... onk52

    Oh it's okay, really~~! It's just that I can't ramble about this stuff with my friends cause I type too much and they'll get bored and stuff. So tbh I keep most of the love I have for Nakamura's works to myself, that's why I talk alot. I too, adore their relationship alot. I dunno if I would call what Masamune feels is "doubting" though, it's more like distress and impatience. But anyway, we all know the two gon end up dating and doing sweet shit together yk? I really like how Nakamura is taking their relationship slowly and not rushing it like most of the other stuff out there. Mann, i'm just really glad to know that there are other people who think similarly, I felt like I was just one of the few people who appreciate all the feels and stuff Nakamura is able to convey I freaking love it~~
    Anyways, thank you. It was lovely talking to you ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    onk52 June 12, 2020 9:29 pm
    Oh it's okay, really~~! It's just that I can't ramble about this stuff with my friends cause I type too much and they'll get bored and stuff. So tbh I keep most of the love I have for Nakamura's works to myself... amazon trash

    Yes, me too, I'm so glad I'm not the only one as well. And yea people say the manga is too slow but I think thats one of the best things about it, it wouldnt be what it is if it was so cliched that they confess and date straight away haha, but im looking forward to that. Glad we can both appreciate nakamuras writing so much, thank you it was great talking to u too! (⌒▽⌒)