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I want a happy ending for everyone

Pixielot5 June 14, 2020 12:24 am

I've read this three times. First time Jeanette annoyed me. Second time, I was a little more sympathetic but it was hard bc the author kept portraying Jeanette as taking Athy's place which I didn't like.

But the third time I read it, the more I hope Jeanette gets the love and family she deserves. She's innocent, naive and too trusting. But that's just because of how she's been raised. She's always only looked on at how Mr. White and Ijekeil were a proper "family" and whilst she was raised by them I doubt she got anywhere near that kind of love. Mr White only using her for his plans. And she always dreamt about how she'd get a father and a sister in the end who would love her. I don't blame her for that! She even tried to end Claude and Athy's relationship! All those scene of Jeanette kind of sad and alone and trying to stay happy were actually really heartbreaking :( She's just a kid who's never known love or family...

Whilst I hope the fact that Jeanette isn't Claude's child comes out, I do hope she gains an uncle and a cousin. Pls author, don't make Jeanette bad :( I'd like to see some character growth instead!

And poor Ijekeil! what to do :( I ship Athy with Lucas but Ijekeil has always loved her and he's done nothing but do the best for her. I don't see Ijekeil with Jeanette either like in the previous story but I do want a happy ending for him. Pls author, don't make him a bad character either to justify Athy picking Lucas!
