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THINGS i need answers on

GoSpark June 14, 2020 3:10 am

1.) How and when will Real Nephty come out?
Fake nepthy is also osiris' pawn that dont want complete obliteration of Set's soul and body. Just set's body so His soul would go to Osiri in Duat. (Accdg to comments)

2.) How come nepthy's soul got trapped but not Horus'? Is it the protection of the gods or that both Set and Horus didnt look at the mirror at the same time is why? Isis says its Dejavu. Who used it first? Osiris or real nepthy ?

3.) The age and not growing thing of Horus and Anubis. Isnt Osiris the God of Life? Can he stunt growth?

4.) With set banished. And is going to deal with resentful souls. How can he protect himself? My boi is beautiful. Oh wait. Hes still a half god. So he prolly has superhuman strength.

5.) WHO IS THIS JESUS GUY?! I dun approve of you for set!! If his plan is to conquer egypt then wont set be needed cuz like.. hes the ex god of war? But sadly the general is on community service.

6.) WHO IS RA'S BABY?!?!

7.) Hathor is sekhmet?

8.) Why did Osiris eat a piece of Set's sand? That chapter before he died.

9.) Im surprised why Osiris didnt ask who fudged set when he saw him that one night. Just attacked him. Why is that? Does he know?

10.) What is that seed isis gave anubis? What is that flower blooming on his chest?

11.) Does anubis know of the rape? That his father love him still? What did horus and anubis talked about in that room?

    solaris June 14, 2020 2:52 pm

    Ok first off sorry these answers turned into an essay, and second I’m sure there’s plenty more who can help out here but from what I understand:

    3. Basically some time after Set heard the truth about who Anubis’ real father was, Set and Anubis had a fight. Anubis ran away to the underworld so Set couldn’t find him.
    At the same time Horus decides to meet Set. When he sees him, Set is delirious and mistakes Horus for Anubis and breaks down begging him not to abandon him. Set’s wish for Anubis to remain his child is so strong it affects both Anubis and Horus although Horus has since broken free from the wish/curse.

    4. Don’t know which parts of the mythology the author is going to use so it’s down to speculation but at least we know Set has Horus watching out for him.
    I wonder if we’ll get to see Set on Ra’s boat (which also carried the souls of the dead) battling the serpent Apep. In some versions he supposedly takes on the “role of Horus” and wears a Falcon head dress/mask which could be interesting.

    5. Could be wrong but I think Jesus guy is Ares. Maat negotiated with him when he first arrived in Egypt and now it looks like he’s a guest. Considering Set was worshipped by other cultures, and the fact he was also god of foreigners, it’d make sense if he helps him out/they become friends in the next part of the story.

    6. Honestly no idea but out of the gods born from Ra, the ones we haven’t seen yet are Anhur and Satis.
    Anhur was a god of war (so could replace Set in that role) and is sometimes associated with Ares. Satis was one of the “eyes of Ra” and wore a gazelle/antelope head dress. She was also goddess of war/funerals/fertility and could grant the desires or wishes to those who were in love.

    7. Yep Hathor and Sekmet seem to have a “two sides of the same coin” thing going on. Their real life mythology is interesting but I'm not sure how much is going to be included here.

    8. Set was god of deserts which was considered “dead” earth (Horus was associated with soil/“living” earth). Osiris was the god of life so couldn’t enter a place of “death” like the underworld. Eating the grain of sand made it possible.

    11. It seems like Horus told Anubis about the time he met Set and they discussed the curse. I think Anubis misinterpreted Horus’s words about “separating from/rejecting" his father in order to break the curse and went about things the wrong way.

    Not sure about questions 1, 2, 9, 10 but hopefully this helps with the rest.