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AhhhSenpai August 23, 2020 6:15 pm

Alright, bitches, lemme tell you a story. I started reading yaoi when I was 12 and really into scan websites with no actual translations, just everything raw. That literally how it was in the early days, so if you’ve never had a live journal or an angel-fire site, you don’t even know. Once in a while, you’d get lucky, and Deep Flower popped up on a site fully translated, so I was all into that shit. I read it and had to take a few moments to let the ending sink in.

You see, it wasn’t surprising, yaoi has always been pretty much rape and abuse, and 18 years ago, you couldn’t find a healthy relationship for shit. But the fucking way this yaoi played out, will forever piss me off. So, to this fucking day, as a thirty-year-old woman, I STILL think about this comic. I still remember every single detail because it is one of the stupidest fucking manga EVER.

The MC straight up leaves a rich, respectful, handsome, SANE fucking lover for a guy playing a side character at a library play who fucking raped and abused him, fucking punched that pure boy. And the author, LEGIT, made it seem like the lover was crazy for locking up the MC to protect him. You cannot get any more fucked up than this manga. It still affects me to this day. The lover wasn’t a wolf in sheep's clothing, he wasn’t some deranged dude with a past, he didn’t rape or abuse the MC, HE SHOWED UP WITH FLOWERS FOR CHRIST SAKE! He took our uke out to fancy restaurants and loved him and cared for him! He even was willing to talk about the cheating.

But the abuser won?!?!?

That greasy-ass fuck legit got the happy ending. And salt to the wound? The author states the abuser is just ...protective and the man of her dreams. Because crazy fucks who punch and rape people are soooo hawt.

Fuck this manga. The End.
