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MomoMonster June 16, 2020 1:10 pm

* sniffles * friggen making me cry up in here, guhh, I'm glad that she's come to terms with her new reality, it would have been hard to let go of her past life and death at a young age and no closure. sucks hard.

    JAZZMINE June 17, 2020 1:37 am

    I think I was the only one mad that she even act like that I understand she misses her old family but she had to treat people that gave her and warmth such shit like did she really had to act like that man I thought she’s an adult yet she acts like a legit baby like even you go back home your most likely just dead your given a chance to live again you your soul was transferred your body is dead you can’t come back to life such nice people that love you and respect you and a mother that had to go through trouble to give birth to you like that’s pain that wasn’t worth of your bullshit I’m happy that she understands her new reality but like I hate how this author portrayed the girl as a baby it just makes me mad