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Looking for a Yaoi Manga

natsuhi August 4, 2014 3:28 am

Hello and help
i am looking for a yaoi manga. I forgot if it was a oneshot or a 5chp series.
The story is that the uke only ever visits the seme and the only thing that the seme knows about the uke is the uke's phone number. In the seme's past he used to go out with his best friend i think and one day his friend was over. Uke came to visit n saw the Best Friend shoes at the entrance n thought they got back together so he left and changed his phone number. The seme waited for the uke to come but he never did and the Seme couldn't get a hold of the uke cuz his number is all he know but even that is changed so yea.
please help me look. read like 5-6 years ago n totally forgot the name but love it

    Anonymous August 4, 2014 12:01 pm

    I don't know the name of it but if you could provide some names that would be great. I really want to read this, was the art good?

    audra August 4, 2014 6:32 pm

    Could it be Lover's Position by Minase Masara

    natsuhi August 4, 2014 11:06 pm

    @audra, YES! that's what it was. thank you so so so very much! i love you XD