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You know I kind of like this story sort of!! Don't get me wrong I am not crazy about that...

dorishpp August 4, 2014 10:57 am

You know I kind of like this story sort of!! Don't get me wrong I am not crazy about that nasty uke but I think the work he does is great making nice suits for extinguished people to wear to work, fancy parties that look nice!! I just think that that owner should have left that young boy a lone and let him find someone who will want only him not all these other guys plus him!! I think the boy is penis whooped by that uke especially to still want this man after seeing him in the bed with another man!! The uke could have stopped him before he let him have sex with him!! I like the art work but the love scenes could have been better longer and more explicit!! I think there should be a sequel to see how this relationship progressed!! Are they still together or what? Did the young man go to college, get a job? I would like to know!!! Just a thought!! thx D
