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Trinity August 5, 2014 1:30 am

Does anyone remember this yaoi?
The seme and uke both work at a high school I thnk they are both teacher or one is the school doctor. I can only remember this part. The school is having a sports event that both teachers and student must take part in. At one point the uke who is a cool beauty with glasses, goes to wash a cut he got in the event he sees a bunch of student goofing around the outdoor sink. He surprises the students who then mistakenly spray him with water. He is soaked. His shirt is see through. You can kinda see his nipple. He takes off his glasses and demands their name and home room number. The seme shows up and sees the uke looking all sexy and wet. He freaks out and scares the students off. I don't remember anything else.
Thank you to anyone who reads/answers this
