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I just wish the background in this new format wasn't so dark...(sorry, there's probably be...

Miyanoai August 5, 2014 3:10 am

I just wish the background in this new format wasn't so dark...(sorry, there's probably been enough talk about this, but managago FINALLY approved my account...-_-')

    tokidoki August 5, 2014 5:14 am

    Yay! Welcome to the dark side ... but I am not your father... oops wrong fandom LOL

    Lisa August 5, 2014 5:56 pm

    @ tokidoki: Learn to keep fandoms apart you must. ;) Sorry, couldn't resist that one. :D

    @ Miyanoai: I agree, it is always harder for the eye to read white letters on a dark background. On the other hand I like the fact that there are actuall threads now. Makes it a bit easier to follow discussions, me thinks. ;)

    Katty August 5, 2014 7:55 pm

    I'm not reading on that cruddy new version. I like the old and I'm sticking to it. (If they take the old away, they are going to find some C&D letters in their inbox.. hehehe. I really don't like the new layout.)

    Miyanoai August 5, 2014 11:31 pm

    @Lisa: That, and I'm so used to having it on the right side rather than the middle of the screen. I'm finding myself going to the old version to read then going to the new version to respond, because I really do love being recognizable.

    @Tokidoki: Speaking of separate fandoms, is that a dalek in your avatar? :D

    tokidoki August 5, 2014 11:56 pm

    @Miyanoai, yeah, that's a Dalek, good eye. LOLz I wanted something a little unique ...

    Lisa August 6, 2014 4:10 pm

    @ tokidoki: "Exxxxxxterrrrrrrrminate!" Again, couldn't resist. :D I love Daleks...
    @ Miyanoai: Yes, it's almost like the site is doing a bit of a flexibilty test on us. ;) Still prefer the new one as it is easier to follow up on the conversation and on replies. :)