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Looking for this manga

Anoness June 18, 2020 5:27 pm

It's a shoujo ai/yuri, the submissive one has long black hair, and the dominant one has short, shoulder length, somewhat blonde hair i think, because it's a black and white manga (unlike webtoon), and the story is set in high school. Not much of a drama or plot that took place the last time i read it, that's why I'm trying to catch up on where it left off, but couldn't find it again.

The name of one of the character was (if im not mistaken) chiei ?? For the dominant one. If this helps, I do remember the dominant one teasing the submissive one by pulling on her bra strap and releasing it, but then it snapped off, so she was fixing it, but then someone from inside the building (the couples were in sports field at that time) witnessed them.

Thank in advance!
