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Even now, I still don't understand why half of Naoshi-Sensei's works are mere oneshots or ...

yuppers June 29, 2012 8:44 am

Even now, I still don't understand why half of Naoshi-Sensei's works are mere oneshots or got cancelled. All my love to s sensei's series Nise Koi- but gosh darn it! Double Arts and Island have just forever captured my heart! If you haven't read either of them then you should totally try it out, I think it's worth a look or two! While your at it, look at what else she has as well! They're pretty good! Seriously, I don't get why she isn't popular at all...

    AlizeB July 5, 2015 9:12 pm

    Sorry, it's a mistake, I meant thumb up. I totally agree with you!

    Angel October 7, 2017 1:20 am

    Balanced back I definitely agree with you both!