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TOKI THOO unfair much??

LilFujoshi♡ June 19, 2020 5:33 pm

I feel like Toki went through so much..i cant imagine living with someone you love help raise his kid act like a stand in wife/mom for 3 years only to find out He knew the whole time how you felt...i loved it But felt like Hisamitsu Took advantage of his kindness/Love..wasnt there a part where he mentions he had a gf too (not sure if it was after wife left) ...He experienced "Life" but when he sees Toki might slip through his fingers he decided to admit he felt the same way...WHY NOT SOONER!??
im sure he saw how Toki bawled his eyes out after the ceremony if he saw how unhappy he looked during.

Lol sorry just my rant cause i just felt bad for toki but anyway everyones happy...its a good read i just look into things too muchh! ♡

    アリス June 21, 2020 12:09 am

    You basically told the story in that small paragraph LOL well done! ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Hanam June 28, 2020 6:00 pm

    Oh my goddd so trueee! I cried reading this just because I felt so bad for Toki! ╥﹏╥ ok, so I've never experienced loving someone, better yet, pining over them faithfully, so I might seem very immature.... but I still wanted to get this shit feeling out of my system ヽ(`Д´)ノ and uhhh this is long af so I'm sorry

    I totally agree with you on why hadn't hisamitsu confessed sooner; if he'd realised how toki felt?? He himself admitted that he was unhappy too, BUT HE DIDNT ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING TO STOP HURTING THEM BOTH??!? No no no, don't you dare make yourself the victim here bro. Maybe you weren't quite aware, but boi were you selfish

    *inhales* oh toki....if only he'd been brave enough to confess....he's so faithful man I can't even--- ╥﹏╥He's low on self esteem, the poor guy. Guess we're in the same boat then......

    Still, I think the situation was handled quite okay. Only okay. Hisamitsu didn't impulsively call off the wedding and that not only managed to keep both families' reputations safe, he also treated his wife decently, providing her with all she needed. He also cared for Akira as a wonderful, loving parent. After his wife left, he didn't hurriedly jump into a relationship with toki, which could have damaged toki's self esteem more. Knowing toki, he'd feel very insecure, like he was only a mere replacement....look at how even after three years he still felt like that, ugh my poor man. He actually had time to slowly repair their relationship, and that's quite realistic. And toki also reacted quite realistically; he didn't go all swooning and teary after hisamitsu finally (finally--!!) confessed, instead it got him thinking deeper about their situation. Only after things were clearly clarified between them that toki became fully honest.
    Asdfghjkl I can't decide whether I really like or dislike this manga, but I admit that it's a satisfying read. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭