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Liliaoyaoya June 20, 2020 1:14 am

It had the potential to be great but didn't meet my expectations. There were mainly two things that made me uncomfortable.

1) The "uke's" sex friend is said to have a fiance yet comes over and has sex with the uke regardless. This is never properly addressed and, in the end, nothing happens. It made me uncomfortable and, most of all, make me like the "uke" less. Sleeping around is fine and I understand why you would do that. But no matter how lonely you are, sleeping with someone you know is in a relationship is crossing a line. It's disappointing, really.

2) The comparison between the grandpa and the MC. I get getting a lover that has the qualities of a parent or grandparent, but blatantly comparing your lover to your relative is a big much. The sentence that pushed me over the edge was something along the lines of, "he could never replace grandpa." Like, you probably shouldn't be trying to replace your dead grandparent with a person you sleep with. I understand that probably wasn't what the author was going for, however, poor execution skills ended up ruining that part of the story for me.
