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I just wanna ask, if your aunt's son have a romantic feelings towards you, is that called ...

Pinky Pink June 20, 2020 3:54 am

I just wanna ask, if your aunt's son have a romantic feelings towards you, is that called incest too?

(Ps: your aunt is your mom's little sister)

    Ooflmao June 20, 2020 3:59 am

    Ur aunt’s son is ur cousin, so like yea of course it is incest

    shuya June 20, 2020 4:00 am

    I'd say probably, since it's still close relatives?

    peacepeace June 20, 2020 5:08 am

    Nope, it's not incest if it's with your cousin. It's called incest only if siblings or parents and children have a sexual relationship together.

    SINNER_ June 20, 2020 5:27 am

    Yep. Been thru something like that . Just ignored them.for 5 fucking years. Now all good. Incest is not the Wincest foe me

    Ooflmao June 20, 2020 5:44 am
    Nope, it's not incest if it's with your cousin. It's called incest only if siblings or parents and children have a sexual relationship together. peacepeace

    The definition of incest is the sexual relationship with closely related ppl, it is never specifically stated to be with only certain family members. Since the aunt in this case is her mom’s sister and not a distant relative, her son is closely related enough to be considered incest. But though relationships with first cousins are widely considered incest, it is still accepted in some cultures.

    Ayu June 20, 2020 5:52 am

    Dont know if its considered incest but in europe you can marry your cousin unlike most states in the the US

    Pinky Pink June 20, 2020 6:25 am
    Yep. Been thru something like that . Just ignored them.for 5 fucking years. Now all good. Incest is not the Wincest foe me SINNER_

    Me too bc i can't return his feelings. I hope he'll find another girl that he likes someday, maybe it'll kinda difficult bc he has that kind of feelings since we're still a kid but i'm sure oneday he'll find someone special

    Pinky Pink June 20, 2020 6:26 am
    The definition of incest is the sexual relationship with closely related ppl, it is never specifically stated to be with only certain family members. Since the aunt in this case is her mom’s sister and not a ... Ooflmao

    Yeah my aunt is my mom's lil-sist related by blood. That's why i always wondering if its called incest or not since we're not siblings but cousin. But we're not in sexual relationship, it just..maybe you can called..unrequited feelings? Since its not mutual. Eh but thank you fyi~

    Pinky Pink June 20, 2020 6:27 am
    Dont know if its considered incest but in europe you can marry your cousin unlike most states in the the US Ayu

    Idk with my country, i think between cousin still not allowed(?) haha but never mind, its not that we'll get married one day XD but thank you fyi~