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I guess im the only one who didn't really like Kyubin and Seungtaek. Not complaining about...

sarusayan June 20, 2020 6:57 pm

I guess im the only one who didn't really like Kyubin and Seungtaek. Not complaining about the pairing, but their personality. But i actually really liked Kwon Inbeom. Dont know if im the only one like this.

    Furrina June 25, 2020 3:57 am

    Yeah. 90% of problems in the story would have been avoided if Park Sungtek was honest from the start.

    Kyubin lied to protect Park over and over again, basically lost all his money and almost fucked up his career trying to clean up after Park's mess.

    Sufle August 19, 2020 10:50 pm

    I second your opinion too