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I know everybody has their own preferences, but i dont know what's so amazing about 'Love ...

sarusayan June 20, 2020 7:37 pm

I know everybody has their own preferences, but i dont know what's so amazing about 'Love is An Illusion'. Right now reading chapter 13 and i already want to stop.

    Kyatto June 20, 2020 7:41 pm

    Didn’t really like it either.. their other work from the author is okay but I think there was a lot of rape involved which I’m not a huge fan of.

    Michin June 20, 2020 7:50 pm

    I dont rlly like the early chapter thou actually.. Hyesung is just annoying.. when i re-read i always start from chapt 50++ cos hyesung temper is alr kinda bearable and theres byul, i always reread it cos of byul hes cute af

    Kisey June 20, 2020 8:09 pm

    The first time i read it i hated it but now it's one of my favorites. But i think you should stop reading it, while the story does progress and there are a few plot twists and sweet moments, if you didn't like it so far you probably won't like it l8r.
    The seme was too mature, patient and responsible for his age, yet he was never afraid to show his sweet caring tender side (ok he's a simp) but that not why i read it, i read it because... one word: ☆

    Sykonphainô June 20, 2020 8:14 pm

    Totally agree. I tried a long time ago and I couldn't like either the characters or the story. So I didn't read the main story but the bonus chapters with the secondary couple (the seme's brother and a beta). It was okay and more interesting since there was some suspense.

    Ani June 20, 2020 8:31 pm

    SAME. EVERYONE IS SO OBSESSED WITH IT I SWEAR. I literally don't get why it's rated so high. Every character is so fucking annoying too. Ugh bad memories

    BlackMoon June 20, 2020 9:21 pm

    I feel the same way. It was the uke in the first story who ruined it for me. I quite liked the second couple though. I forced myself to finish the whole thing and it's not something I will read again.