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At first... i thought Ikeuchi... wasn't interested since... he's straight... but when he h...

nya :3 August 8, 2014 10:08 pm

At first... i thought Ikeuchi... wasn't interested since... he's straight... but when he hooked up with Shinoda... and there was a bit of Tit and Ta moments... I got to see his many sides... I think I like his character the most... from my point of view... that is... although... I could totally understand when Shinoda asked Ikeuchi that wouldn't he prefer if Shinoda was a girl... It got me to think many things about other things as well... canr help it... we're humans after all... (dont know what im saying.... sirry |T~T|

    tora August 11, 2014 12:23 pm

    At first, Ikuchi is straight even he going out with shino, he still show interest to some cute girl passed by him maybe shino still think that he's prefer girl over him. i actually cried(totally agree with u too) cuz he might do this out of curiousity and leave shino. He afraid that will happen someday so he kept saying that 'Girl is better than me' Ikuchi mad at him and got back again..too easy(for me) -_-