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honestly anyone BUT erina would've been a good fit for souma, be it man or woman. with eri...

MiamiBoy June 21, 2020 7:10 am

honestly anyone BUT erina would've been a good fit for souma, be it man or woman. with erina it's just...not good! their personalities no matter how much they mature or not, don't mesh well compared to others.

    MiamiBoy July 27, 2020 7:42 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! MeganTheeStallion Slays

    consider, she refuses to admit his food tastes good, she's not a proper tsundere compared to nikumi, honestly the author just decided erina was the best halfway through and paired them up just cause "erina is best waifu" like erina has more chemistry with her bff than with souma when we compare them. I just think souma is shippable with almost anyone but her that's all. it's opinion in the end i just don't think erisou is best fit and i have my reasons for it [the abridged version above] and that's it. if you like em together cool w/e i don't, the end.

    MiamiBoy July 28, 2020 7:19 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! MeganTheeStallion Slays

    bro she's not even tsundere she's just straight up being rude to him most of the time and her refusal is just being stubborn at this point. how many years has it been? souma knows it's good she's just being "no i won't say it". like i said i'm not going to discuss this further, i said what i said. erina is a bad fit just my opinion and if people are gonna ship it good for them but i don't. nothing more nothing less don't contact me again.

    MiamiBoy July 28, 2020 3:09 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! MeganTheeStallion Slays

    I will not be replying more after this, I am not being rude I was not stating "facts" I was just saying my opinion on why I thought erina was not good for douma. Honestly I have more to say on the subject but I'm not articulate enough to put thought into it like others. Now leave me alone over a shitty fictional ship (now I'm being rude)