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loopy August 13, 2014 12:24 pm


    loopy August 13, 2014 12:27 pm

    I wish kana died on the beach with rin holding him and crying together......I really wanted to hear kanas last words to rin. BUT I LOVE THE STORY EITHER WAY. (EVERYONE IS CALLING RIN A JERK, BUT IF A GUY LIKE KANA LOVES THAT MUCH THEN HE CANT BE SUCH A BAD GUY)

    onna31 August 18, 2014 4:17 pm

    I also,as i read this,hoping kana die. I think it move people that way,and aoi will lives all his live with regrates,and whn shuu see him he call aoi "murderer" kyaaa,i so wanted it to be like that.i want to see the agony n pain aoi lives as he know is the resault of carryon his plan. And he aoi cnt mary because he carry a murderer sin and feel guilt for the rest of his life in twisted way.
    But alas, it not going through that,what a major disappointments.. But i gues is ok ok ending. Blargh

    jesmhi December 21, 2014 4:56 am
    I wish kana died on the beach with rin holding him and crying together......I really wanted to hear kanas last words to rin. BUT I LOVE THE STORY EITHER WAY. (EVERYONE IS CALLING RIN A JERK, BUT IF A GUY LIKE K... @loopy

    yeah me too . I also wish that kana died. so that rin would regret it . i hated rin when he ask his friends to rape kana .