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If I were a manga publishing company, this story will go directly to the shredder or trash...

Stirfry August 13, 2014 11:04 pm

If I were a manga publishing company, this story will go directly to the shredder or trash. Whichever is the nearest. I mean, come on! The uke was just dreaming right? This was some uke's gay fairytale? The seme was spouting sickeningly sweet nonsense and the uke was a leaking faucet with a perpetual blush. OK, I just want to kill something now.

    Maya December 7, 2014 5:53 pm

    thankyou for saying my sentiments exactly!!!!

    Neh December 22, 2014 6:54 am

    You realise the dialogue and overall feel of the story is supposed to reflect the opera, right? It wasn't a dream, it was just written like a faerie tale and presented as such.