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First thing first, the title should already be a red flag. There really should be a whole ...

XxJokerxX June 23, 2020 10:21 pm

First thing first, the title should already be a red flag. There really should be a whole a manga about this. The answer is a clear NO.

Girrrl, if you claim to be someone's best friend, you better act like one. I can understand you debating whether to tell your best friend about the cheat because you don't want her to feel heartbroken. But the reason for your hesitation is because you realise there is a chance for you to have sex with your friend's boyfriend, because you like him? Nah ah. You messed up.

The way you act is less of a best friend and more of a backstabbing green tea bitch. You might as well call your best friend an acquaintance. I get it, you like her boyfriend. Fine, sometimes people just crushes on people they should not be crushing on. But seriously, have some decent morality at least.

The only real victim here is the best friend. The rest are toxic af.
