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Guys help me please I've been looking for this manga for many years. I'm sorry if it's not...

Mermaid•pig June 24, 2020 11:57 am

Guys help me please I've been looking for this manga for many years. I'm sorry if it's not clear huhu my memory about it is vague

It's about this blonde haired uke who plays a piano but hurt his hand and can't play for a long time(not sure) he's a student, he carries a cross with him and lives in the dormitories so I think the school is a Catholic school and he's inlove with this guy who I think love a deceased girl who looks like the uke. The guy actually mistakes the girl from the uke, the guy thought the child he knew was the girl but actually the uke. He just found it after he saw the wound on the uke's head from a long time ago.
