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Looking for a yaoi manga

Ichigo August 16, 2014 1:05 am

So, I think this manga has been out for awhile. It's completed and about a musical band. I think they're actual stars. One of the side stories is of one of the band members who is a slut and sleeps around. One night, he kind of runs into a salary man who has no idea who he is. They end up having sex and go their separate ways. However, the band member can't forget the pleasure that he had when he was having sex with the salary man so he tries to find him again. He eventually finds him and kind of forces the salary man into having sex with him once more.

That's about all I can remember. I think the salary man was also very freaked out about the band member wanting to having sex with him and forcing him into it.

    Funny girl August 16, 2014 1:54 am

    Is not the main story and they show the lovelife of the 3 band members, the one you mention is the last

    Ichigo August 16, 2014 2:49 am
    Is not the main story and they show the lovelife of the 3 band members, the one you mention is the last Funny girl

    Oh my god! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    I've been looking for this for TWO YEARS! O.O

    You're my new hero of the week! :D