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unpopular opinion

Pinky Pink June 24, 2020 6:56 pm

About tsukasa...this is kind of complicated tho, my feels.
I'm mad at him, but i'm pitying him at the same time..err i mean, i feel so sad.
I have this kind of feels for sangwoo from killing stalking too.
Most people might hate them but all their acts, their sickness, is actually have the caused. You should see it from their perspective too. I remind you its not that i support their acts, tbh i don't like creepy person lol, but seriously, back again to tsukasa, his sickness is caused by the precident who separrated him with hayashi, thats one of the reason and actually that's when all of his suffered was started.
For now, if you wanna hate someone just hating that oldman! You know who i mean. At least thats what i'll say for now (after i watching the ending of the anime), i dunno if in the sequel there'll be another twist plot again.
