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i heard that some people keep reporting whoever translating this manhwa in english, is it ...

guess June 25, 2020 1:33 pm

i heard that some people keep reporting whoever translating this manhwa in english, is it true? previously got some people in IG that will translate this manhwa in english for every new chapters, now her IG has been block and delete i guess.. that happen to 2 IG ive been sad, i managed to read until chapter 42 thanks to them but now no more ╥﹏╥
hopefully they wont drop this manhwa here too...

    maryeet June 30, 2020 4:21 am

    since the updates have been pretty slow, mind spilling some spoilers ?

    guess June 30, 2020 1:52 pm

    okayy let me recall since i read it for quite some time already,, who dont want to know, please stop reading now....

    pretty much they manage to avoid the current situation, and ivan got a little fight with carsilion, but then he (ivan) just disappear,..and charlotte talk with carsilion, he then knew that aria is charlotte, which is his master.. then when they arrived at his (carsilion) castle, he introduce aria as charlotte's six disciple, not his master..and then goes the story about her second disciple, which is a girl, yuriel i think her name..something happen and she forgot all about her past and her master..she now follow a new master, which is bad people,. charlotte go and find her and let her self get captured by her..yuriel cant remember charlotte but she still very cautious around her and treat her extra kindly in the prison..dan (3rd disciple) also makes an appearance there, he is doing some investigation and met charlotte again coincidentally.. the chapter stop updating almost during dan appear again..

    ps: sorry dont really know how to story tell and summarize,,and english is not my mother tongue.

    maryeet June 30, 2020 4:27 pm

    ah no! thank you for explaining it so well ^^ dang, i really hope they update it soon

    guess July 23, 2020 1:54 pm
    ah no! thank you for explaining it so well ^^ dang, i really hope they update it soon maryeet

    just want to update you that i have now read it in the instagram till chapter 51..and the story plot was insanely good starting 40. you should really check it out in instagram, but sorry i cannot give you the account name, scared it will be block u can still find ch 40-51 in instagram but not below that cause all has been deleted. and if did find please make sure to read once update, cause they will delete after for like couple weeks or days..

    maryeet July 27, 2020 10:14 pm
    just want to update you that i have now read it in the instagram till chapter 51..and the story plot was insanely good starting 40. you should really check it out in instagram, but sorry i cannot give you the a... guess

    haha thanks for checking in, i’ll definitely do that rn!!