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I read this story many times the more I read the more I feel Kaede not fit to be Hikawa lo...

gggrrrhhhgghhh August 18, 2014 2:19 am

I read this story many times the more I read the more I feel Kaede not fit to be Hikawa lover. Hikawa is famous artist he is too popular for Kaede and famous artist is troublesome. People around Hikawa can say Kaede is Hikawa new toy soon Kaede will be throw out if Hikawa bored with Kaede and Hikawa is always hurt Kaede feeling, always make Kaede uncomfortable. It more better if Kaede broke up with Hikawa and find a guy who can give love, affection, support, motivate, advice, comfortable feeling to Kaede.

    carbo21 September 6, 2014 4:19 am

    I gotta agree somewhat on this. Hikawa can be a real insensitive prick. No concept on how to treat a lover in my opinion outside of the game of "Hide the Sausage", which can be fulfilling sexually, but total shite emotionally.