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No one, especially those born into power, are faultless...

Tora-san June 26, 2020 2:38 am

I understand this is a shoujo but I think it’s brilliant for bringing in at least semi-twisted realistic human relationships. Like Hak and Yona are the ideal pair with the underdog troupe, the dragons are loyal knights, and originally Soo-won seemed like a complete villain. They hinted at him not being a monster despite the murder, following an anti-hero troupe BUT very refreshing to seen they’ve introduced gray moral areas in terms of everyone’s logic and upbringings. King Il is a borderline if not full fanatic. His older brother is mercilessly and unforgivably violent. The shrine maiden marrying Il is a traumatized girl who is definitely being used as a pawn by Il. Soo-won’s mother is guilty of complacency for the murder of innocents, doesn’t matter if she loved the murderer nor does authority give the guy the right to do so. So it’s a matter of the battle between two siblings with equally flawed personalities and ideologies, their followers and their descendants getting caught up in their mess.

I mean a monarchy is just a smaller scale attempt at playing god. Humans, historically, don’t handle that well and they are just a product of their circumstances. I think Yona is the best character for being able to see the big picture without any help and not being blinded by any of her emotions, even with something as tragic as the loss of her father. What I hope, however, is that because of Soo-won’s short lifespan, he doesn’t just dump the monarchy on Yona. I would prefer she stay a nomad with the dragons...

    Tracki12 June 26, 2020 9:38 pm

    I think it is a stretch to say that Il is using Kashi as a pawn.