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The main character was native and kinda pathetic but not in a bad way and only pathetic th...

Slappysticks August 20, 2014 6:56 am

The main character was native and kinda pathetic but not in a bad way and only pathetic thing were in the beginning maybe a little at the middle and the end too. This wasn't bad honesty I would totally be acting like that to if I was him but I'm not native unless I'm acting This manga wasn't a hardcore yoai it was pretty soft I can't say that it should stay soft it's just not my taste but I bet if they did make more there would a sex sence coming up and there would be a lot of blushing this took its lovey time to make these characters Actually do anything.... Well I can't say that they didnt do any sexual things but remember soft yoai so no doughnut holes and hotdogs here but it's was slow but I didn't hate it I'm more in to tough stuff I don't know how to call it but sometimes I need to read something slow cute a little dramatic if ur all about that stuff then bam this is it 4.5-10 bam baby hope u enjoy there slow awkward adorable relationship
