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aw... although it was 'cute', i think the story behind it has a deeper meaning. words are ...

MOI? August 21, 2014 2:03 pm

aw... although it was 'cute', i think the story behind it has a deeper meaning. words are really scary. no, terrifying.

    EVERYBODY CALM THE FUCK DOWN! August 21, 2014 2:07 pm

    i'll bet that you use more words here than in real life. you must have a geeky look, wearing glasses, carrying some books with a perpetually hunched back

    :/ August 24, 2014 2:11 am
    i'll bet that you use more words here than in real life. you must have a geeky look, wearing glasses, carrying some books with a perpetually hunched back @EVERYBODY CALM THE FUCK DOWN!

    Stop being rude here! :/

    Anon August 24, 2014 9:29 pm
    i'll bet that you use more words here than in real life. you must have a geeky look, wearing glasses, carrying some books with a perpetually hunched back @EVERYBODY CALM THE FUCK DOWN!

    Well arent you judgmental and assuming

    Morcheeba December 17, 2014 10:53 am

    You're trying to convey the humming electricity of your thoughts mixed with unreadable emotions by the use of words (and we just loosely agreed on their meaning). That's 200.000 years of potential misunderstandings, since everyone perceives differently. That might be terrifying, but I'd say we should be amazed - 24/7 ^^

    Anonymous December 17, 2014 1:24 pm
    You're trying to convey the humming electricity of your thoughts mixed with unreadable emotions by the use of words (and we just loosely agreed on their meaning). That's 200.000 years of potential misunderstand... Morcheeba

    Yup ( .__.) A single word can mean a whole lot of different things.... ugh. It is amazing and troublesome at the same time lol

    animana December 18, 2014 11:11 pm
    i'll bet that you use more words here than in real life. you must have a geeky look, wearing glasses, carrying some books with a perpetually hunched back @EVERYBODY CALM THE FUCK DOWN!

    Are you mental? That was completely unnecessary. Why be rude without provocation?

    bi*ch-sensei February 21, 2015 12:18 am

    Don't be an a$$whole