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So Kaneki planed to go back to the cafe but before he could make the move the CCG attacks....

raziesgirl August 22, 2014 4:10 pm

So Kaneki planed to go back to the cafe but before he could make the move the CCG attacks. And the big twist the one eye owl is the son and not the manager I did wonder when the investigator' s were looking at the pictures of the owl and something was off known I know why .OK know let's talk about Touko I know I'm not the only one who can not stand THIS GIRL she was a bitch from the beginning always taking her anger out on Ken and I'm sick of it .The only thing that brother's me about Kaneki is that he let's himself be influenced to much by others . Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and do what you think is right he's trying to make everyone happy but he's not happy himself .
