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soooo did Maya like Nemu before the whole blackmail, or did he just do that for fun and ga...

Zomplode August 24, 2014 7:10 pm

soooo did Maya like Nemu before the whole blackmail, or did he just do that for fun and gained feelings in the process?

    Will M August 24, 2014 7:27 pm

    Well...that hasn't really been TRULY answered yet. People say that the DJ "Imasara Briefs no Miryoku ni Kizukimashita) has an indication that Maya was at least 'watching' Nemu before he blackmailed him.

    Anonymous August 24, 2014 8:11 pm
    Well...that hasn't really been TRULY answered yet. People say that the DJ "Imasara Briefs no Miryoku ni Kizukimashita) has an indication that Maya was at least 'watching' Nemu before he blackmailed him. @Will M

    I think he got interested at first ;eventually he got hook about him...=)

    jou0016 August 24, 2014 8:12 pm

    I think he got interested at first ;eventually he got hook about him...=)