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Give me spoiler!!!!!!!

AnjaliTOT June 29, 2020 12:57 pm

With how frequently the chapters are updated for this manga, i wish someone who knows the end can jusst spoil me with how it all ends. I might have children who will be reading this and still waiting for updates one every year.
P.S. when did the OtakuMole website shut down. It was my safe haven for raws!!!!

    tea123 June 29, 2020 3:41 pm

    There is raws right below you i couldn't really understand it but from what i got from it was

    she ends up with the brother

    AnjaliTOT June 30, 2020 2:53 am
    There is raws right below you i couldn't really understand it but from what i got from it wasSPOLIER:she ends up with the brother tea123

    Same i couldnt undertand it either!! And i preach you for what you said about the ending. I want her to end up with her brother