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lookin for a manga

noname June 30, 2020 6:17 am

The manga I'm looking for is an isekai. In the manga a boy is reincarnated with the power level of 2002(or 200 idk) and was born into the royal family. However when they checked his magical power level by some magical orb, it wasn't able to grasp the full power of 2002 and just shows 02/02. So the parents believing that their child is very weak decided to kill or abandon him because of the future embarrassment of having a weak powered kid in the royal family. So they abandon him in the forest which is full of dangerous beasts. A dragon finds him and decides to become his master because of how much magical power he has and that he overpowered her. Afterwards he is found by a kind old man and gets taken in by him. He knows that he is the prince that was abandoned and stages his death by using animal blood.
I forgot the title of it and I surprised that I didn't save it but if anyone had come across and isekai manga with the beginning like this plz let me know ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
~thx (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
