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Trinity August 27, 2014 3:36 am

Does anyone remember this yaoi?
The uke is owes a debt to some people. He is sitting in a room with them prosimians to repay them. I thnk they try to make him do porn videos. The seme walks in he is related to the boss and a host club owner. He says he will pay the loan but the uke has to work at his host club. I also remember a part where the uke is working in the club and he stats talking with a nerdy girl that the other hosts were ignoring. The girl came with two other girls. The nery girl orders a very expensive drink and they find out that the nerdy girl is the one paying for herself and the other two. The other hosts jump on her but she picks the uke as her only host. I also remember that the seme gets mad when the uke tries to take a women up on her offer of sex if she will pick him as her only host. He tells the seme that he just wants to be helpful but the seme gets made and molests the uke. Thank you to anyone who reads/answers this
