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mind telling me what so toxic about joowon? just want to know people's opinion..i've been ...

guess June 30, 2020 5:30 pm

mind telling me what so toxic about joowon? just want to know people's opinion..i've been reading a lot of comment saying he so toxic but no one exactly mention the just wondering myself..

    BlubbDia June 30, 2020 5:53 pm

    they've been discussed a thousand times.
    reasons why people dislike Joowon:
    - quite the aggressive type of guy
    - shoved his dick inside Haesoo's mouth (chap. 22-25)
    - told haesoo he should die so he could never go anywhere (chap. 39)
    - told haesoo that he's never gonna be able to live without Joowon (dont remember chapter)
    - barely listens when haesoo says no
    - his whole childish, rude attitude that specific people just cant deal with.

    he's kinda changing now though so people start to hate him less

    bre437 June 30, 2020 5:58 pm

    Haesoo has tried to leave him multiple times and failed because Joowon is very manipulative and makes him feel bad for trying to leave. He’s makes it seem like he’s dependent on Haesoo making it hard for Haesoo to leave, then on the other hand he acts as if he’s just being protective. I personally feel like in the present (as adults) he views Haesoo as HIS possession It doesn’t seem like he’s doing it on purpose or anything but it does make it toxic

    guess July 1, 2020 1:43 pm
    they've been discussed a thousand times.reasons why people dislike Joowon:- quite the aggressive type of guy- shoved his dick inside Haesoo's mouth (chap. 22-25)- told haesoo he should die so he could never go ... BlubbDia

    wow quite details with chapter, thanks..i just been wondering since i read quite a lot people said he so toxic and dont deserve's not like haesoo is so innocent and not toxic me i think both of them both toxic in same weightiness, no one is more heavy than the other..

    guess July 1, 2020 1:51 pm
    Haesoo has tried to leave him multiple times and failed because Joowon is very manipulative and makes him feel bad for trying to leave. He’s makes it seem like he’s dependent on Haesoo making it hard for Ha... bre437

    i feel like haesoo is more manipulative than joowon..dont know why but that the kind of vibes i get from him..maybe cause i just started read this and read it in 1 shot straight from 1-72 without opinion on story always vary depending on if i start reading the story early then waiting for the update and if i just read it all in 1 shot.. but i can see your points is quite valid..joowon does see haesoo as his possession..

    guess July 1, 2020 2:14 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonymous

    yeah,, now u point it out, i can see that.all your points sound me i feel like, it better that they end it cause the relationship is toxic as hell..well maybe they can be together in far future but definitely not now being the way they are..

    BlubbDia July 1, 2020 9:16 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonymous
