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Heartwrecking Incest

BlazingShana21 August 28, 2014 3:10 am

I cried so much for this manga!! there's a lot of exciting part on this manga!! and i loved how the story ends up .. I was really confused first when i'm reading this manga .I thought that this manga is insane but then again i can't stop reading this because it's really a touching story . I would love to read it again and again!!


    Ninja Fangirl March 17, 2015 11:28 am

    Omg I feel ur pain. I was crying buckets. I am not an inecest fan and try to avoid such story plots but the is the only exception that I have for blood related inecest. It truly is a masterpiece and I recommend it to all fujoshi.

    BlazingShana21 March 17, 2015 11:41 am
    Omg I feel ur pain. I was crying buckets. I am not an inecest fan and try to avoid such story plots but the is the only exception that I have for blood related inecest. It truly is a masterpiece and I recommend... Ninja Fangirl

    This is great !! Ike Reibun sensei really knows how to make a good plot ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I really loved her works specially when it comes to family .