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I can't be the only one-

Doofenshmirtz yaoi Inc. July 1, 2020 11:07 pm

Spoiler for those who have not watched the anime yet
I was watching the anime, and I really disliked Rachel. I didn't say anything much to anyone at first because I thought everyone would disagree but others seemed annoyed at her too. She abandoned the only person she knew and loved (Main character) in the beginning, then she hid from him in embarrassment which I understood, but then she got jealous/sad that he has new friends from the tower. I was so confused why she thought she deserved to feel jealous that he had other people that care about him when SHE was the one who abandoned him, knowing that she was all he had. She kept telling him to stay away and leave her alone, but I guess she secretly liked that he was pursuing her and only cared about her?? Not only that but when she got crippled, couldn't walk anymore, and had to be disqualified, at that point she had given zero reasons as to why she abandoned him, and there was no hardcore apology or anything, so it was really annoying when the Main Character risked his life and chances for her so she could continue when she didn't deserve it. Her character is very confusing and underdeveloped, and I would much rather anyone else be more focused on than her because at that point everyone else's story and character is so much more interesting than hers. That's just my opinion though...
