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To the new readers, get your therapist ready or something

DontmindmeImheretoread July 2, 2020 4:15 pm

I read this for the second time HAH beat that, HAHAHAHhhahah.. *cries in my unstable state of mind* anyway, I read this like a year or two ago I don’t remember because I was trying to forget how traumatizing it is, (the saying of your brain wants to forget traumatizing stuff is true) anyway found this just now again and thought I haven’t read this and when those traumatizing nightmare of him came up, it’s like my traumatizing memories of having read this in the past also came up! But I continued finishing it since I forgot what the ending was and gone through all the shit again and I’m fucked up all over again like Yule is shit and mentally unstable, his brother is shit and also mentally unstable and that sister is desperate to fix her mentally unstable brothers and also became mentally unstable (at this point I won’t be surprise if their father or something came in the picture and turn out to be mentally unstable, but then donghyuk ( I think ) I had fate in you my brotha but you also became mentally unstable, poor kyungsoo he deserved happiness, I NEED AN ENDING WITH HIM BEING HAPPY PLEASE OR ELSE I WON’T BE HAPPY TOO LIKE AUTHOR PLEASE. As you can see This fucked up my mind and emotions and I just wann cry and all that shit I’m ruined again send help please,,,
