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should I upload the translations of the Korean version? it's wayyyyyh ahead of the English version.

akotaku July 3, 2020 8:50 am

should I upload the translations of the Korean version? it's wayyyyyh ahead of the English version. Let me know your thoughts.Anyone willing to help me with the translations? I'll do the editing

    ymania45 July 4, 2020 11:20 am

    As much as I would want to read the chapters soon I don't think it will be right.
    Many people are reading it in the legal site.
    If you put them here first it will discourage them.

    akotaku July 4, 2020 8:17 pm
    As much as I would want to read the chapters soon I don't think it will be right.Many people are reading it in the legal site.If you put them here first it will discourage them. ymania45

    Okay, that's true .. Thanks