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I think...

JulietClaire July 3, 2020 11:31 am

Maybe the real Raeliana who is currently in Beatrice's body is a priestess thats why she managed to switch her soul and Beatrice's soul. Remember when the current Raeliana who is really Beatrice was at the temple and she said she feels like she already saw a statue at the temple? Maybe thats because the real Raeliana visits there often cause she is a priestess....

Nah.. I'm just messing with you guys. I am dying of curiousity too. My theory is pretty farfetched. Haha.

    Teque July 3, 2020 11:37 am







    Well actually it's kind of true. The real Raeliana is actually Beatrice. She switched her bodies and changed the future. She was in love with the ML and didn't believe it was fair how she would die. She saw her future and the future Raeliana would have and thought..... why not just switch bodies with my best friend who moved away? I know she wouldnt give any fucks. And bippity boppity boo, there's how everything is now. There may be some other stuff to go into details about, like who did it and stuff but that's basically confirming it and why she did it.