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Judo September 4, 2014 6:19 am

Shit, that first story had me all shook up, it was so intense; I'm afraid to read the rest. I've seen shittier art and it's plenty better than any shit I've ever attempted to draw lol.

    Judo September 5, 2014 1:42 am

    After reading everything, I liked them all.

    The first story still stirs me up tho, it was so intense, and the uke getting peritonitis made me learn something new.

    Shadow January 3, 2015 7:58 pm
    After reading everything, I liked them all.The first story still stirs me up tho, it was so intense, and the uke getting peritonitis made me learn something new. Judo

    Thanks for the heads-up... I didn't know how bad it was when even the author calls it "Love and CATASTROPHES"... aiyaiyai... I got the blankets wrapped around me just in case now! ^.^ XD
