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are they both fox or only the uke? got confused in the ending hehe, sorry

_asdfgyaoi July 5, 2020 7:17 pm

are they both fox or only the uke? got confused in the ending hehe, sorry

    Laito Sakamaki July 23, 2020 5:30 pm

    Both are foxes. You can see the telltale signs when he’s telling his story. The first being how he wasn’t surprised that the fox turned into a human being in the forest. He wasn’t shocked because he himself was a fox too, such a thing wasn’t strange to him. The second was how he said he instinctively wanted to mate with him, referring to the fox as mate numerous times. Humans don’t usually say this, that’s more inclined to animals. He being an animal spirit could of cause use “mate” without it being out of character. We even see both of them in their fox forms when the customer goes back to the bar and finds them having sex :)

    _asdfgyaoi July 23, 2020 5:34 pm
    Both are foxes. You can see the telltale signs when he’s telling his story. The first being how he wasn’t surprised that the fox turned into a human being in the forest. He wasn’t shocked because he himse... Laito Sakamaki

    wow, so that's how it goes :o

    thank you for explaining!!! hehe

    Indie February 25, 2021 3:36 am
    Both are foxes. You can see the telltale signs when he’s telling his story. The first being how he wasn’t surprised that the fox turned into a human being in the forest. He wasn’t shocked because he himse... Laito Sakamaki

    oh i was thinking only the ikr was a fox because he was the only one with ears and a tail at the very end at the train station but that makes more sense(≧∀≦)

    Indie February 25, 2021 3:36 am
    oh i was thinking only the ikr was a fox because he was the only one with ears and a tail at the very end at the train station but that makes more sense(≧∀≦) Indie

    uke * not ikr